Gabriel Bá (W/A), Becky Cloonan (W/A), Vasilis Lolos (W/A), and Fábio Moon (W/A) This gripping tale of urban horror follows the lives of five lonely tenants-strangers-whose lives become intertwined when they discover a dark mark scrawled on the walls of their building. The horror sprouts quite innocently from a small seed and finds life as something otherworldly, damaged, full of love, hate, fear, and power. As the walls come alive, everyone is slowly driven mad-defenseless against the evil in the building, stripped of free will, leaving only confusion, chaos, and eventual death. Originally self-published as a two-volume book, this groundbreaking work receives a deluxe presentation in a hardcover edition with a sketchbook section.
o The 2008 Eisner Award-winning team for Best Anthology-Gabriel Bá (The Umbrella Academy), Becky Cloonan (American Virgin), Vasilis Lolos (The Last Call), and Fábio Moon (Sugarshock)-return with their latest collaboration, Pixu: The Mark of Evil.
"The story telling here is beautiful, creating a real sense of dread and supernatural menace. Smart, subtle and genuinely disturbing."-Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy